Magazín / Aktualita
ABSI – nový marker obezity
Všeobecně používaným kritériem nadváhy a obezity je index tělesné hmotnosti - BMI. Jeho výhody a nevýhody jsou všeobecně známé, výhodou je snadný výpočet (stačí obyčejná kalkulačka) a zejména fakt, že vztah mezi BMI a zdravotními důsledky obezity je ověřen mnoha velmi dobře provedenými vědeckými studiem ...
Magazín / Kvízy po promoci
Kvízy po promoci
Vyzkoušejte si, co si pamatujete z doby, kdy jste byli těsně po promoci. Nebo těsně před ní ...
zde je malý kvíz, který se průběžně aktualizuje, můžete si jej proto každý den vyzkoušet znovu
Magazín / Medical English
Smoke your way to breast cancer
What makes a woman a woman? If you said breasts you’re partially correct, but if you said a second X chromosome you would be spot on. Whether it is the second X that makes women more likely to get breast cancer is beyond this scope of this little article.
Magazín / Medical English
The Coffee Enigma
There is no question, that coffee is the beverage of choice for people all over the world. For some it is what gets them going in the morning; for others it is what keeps them going during the day and for students, it’s what keeps them going late into the night.
Magazín / Medical English
Remember to Stop Smoking, While You Still Can
It seems like there is no end of good reasons to stop smoking. Most smokers are aware of the cardiovascular risks that take the form of heart attacks and coronary artery disease and the respiratory risks that take the form of lung cancer, emphysema and COPD.
Magazín / Medical English
Something New for Halloween: Trick or Flu Shot
Each autumn, along with the arrival of pumpkins, ghosts and goblins, we start hearing Public Health announcements reminding us that it’s time for our annual flu shot, or as the British would say, our annual flu jab.
Magazín / Medical English
Autism and vaccines – more good news / By Tom Secrest
It was back in the 1990s when a link between autism and childhood vaccines, was suggested. Researchers around the world have been looking for the link ever since.
Magazín / Medical English
The good side effects of statins / By Tom Secrest
All too often we hear about the negative side effects of medications. In many cases these are unpleasant features that we must tolerate in order to get the positive benefits of the drug.
Magazín / Medical English
Strokes, once they occur the 3 hour clock is running / By Tom Secrest
Most people are pretty well informed about heart attack symptoms. We’ve seen them graphically depicted in movies and TV programs. Additionally, heart attacks are usually obvious.
Magazín / Medical English
It's Time to Reevaluate Antidepressants / By Tom Secrest
American has always been on the leading edge of neuroscience research. For this reason U.S. researchers were among the first to probe the neurochemical imbalances associated with depression.
Magazín / Medical English
Rare, Medium, or Melanoma / By Tom Secrest
It’s hard to know why it took so long to reach the conclusion announced on 29 July 2009 by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
Magazín / Medical English
Thinking Clearly about ACE inhibitors / By Tom Secrest
Cognitive decline; the words are simple, but not the consequences. Today new technologies, medicines and treatments can increase the quantity of life, but sometimes the extended life spans come with something few people anticipate, i.e. cognitive decline.
Magazín / Medical English
Falling Short of the Target / By Tom Secrest
If you like diet and fat jokes then here is another classic, well perhaps not a classic, not yet anyway. Question: How do you know if you’re too fat? Answer: Whenever a doctor gives you an IM injection you only get a sub-q.
Magazín / Medical English
H1N1: Are you at special risk? Step on a scale and find out / By Tom Secrest
Question: How do you know if you’re too fat?
Answer: You know you’re too fat if whenever you go to the beach, people rush up and start pouring water over you, while others try to drag you back into the ocean.
Magazín / Medical English
Music to Soothe the Savage Beast / By Tom Secrest
Everyone has their own particular taste in music. Some like opera, some rock, some jazz, and others like what appears to be random noise played a very high volume, although I think the technical name is hip hop.
Magazín / Medical English
Live Long and Prosper / By Tom Secrest
The words in the title are typical words of parting in Vulcan society and were used most famously by Mr. Spock, Vulcan’s best known ambassador. However, if Vulcans had lived in Greece, they might very well have changed it to “Eat a Mediterranean Diet and Prosper,” …
Magazín / Medical English
How to Catch High Blood Pressure / By Tom Secrest
The word cytomegalovirus (HCMV or HHV-5), which means ‘big cell virus’ in Greek, may sound a little disquieting, but for most people it produces only a mild infection with minor, virtually insignificant, symptoms. As a member of the Human Herpes family of viruses (HHV-5), it is characterized by its ability to remain latent for years or even decades.
Magazín / Historie medicíny
Harvey William Cushing (1869–1939)
Při vyslovení jména Cushing se většině z nás vybaví obraz pacienta s měsícovitým obličejem, trpícího nadprodukcí hormonů nadledvin nebo podstupujícího dlouhodobou terapii prednisonem. Jak se stalo, že se slavný průkopník neurochirurgie zapsal do dějin medicíny právě v endokrinologii?
Magazín / Medical English
Some Like it Hot! / By Tom Secrest
If you’re a film buff or a Marilyn Monroe fan, then the title of this article brings to mind the film, which is considered by many, or perhaps most, to be the greatest American comedy film of all time. The film is from 1959 and stars Marilyn Monroe ...
Magazín / Medical English
Apples and Aspirin / By Tom Secrest
There’s an old proverb which goes something like this, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This little bit of wisdom, in a somewhat modified version, probably had its origin in Wales and dates back to the second half of the 19th century. It was certainly true, as we now ...